Kazakhstan revolutionized asset-based social policy in January of 2024, when the Central Asian economic powerhouse launched the National Fund for Children, a Child Development Account policy funded by revenues from vast natural resources. On October 16, a panel of distinguished Kazakhstani experts in public policy, law, and social work will join Next Age Institute Co-Director […]
Category: Events
The International Conference on Social Work and Social Research: Financial Capability and Asset Building for All
This international convening will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss current issues in social work and social policy. By facilitating the exchange of knowledge and insights, the conference seeks to elevate the well-being of vulnerable populations. The International Conference on Social Work and Social Research will take place at Azerbaijan University in […]
Symposium on Integrating Financial Capability and Asset Building in Working with Low Income Families: Opportunities , Creativity, and Sustainability
DATE Tuesday, 31 October 2023 TIME 2:00 – 5:30 PM (Singapore Time) VENUE Guild Hall, NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House9 Kent Ridge Dr, Singapore 119241
Plenary Session on Social Innovation at McDonnell Academy Global Research Symposium
Plenary Session Social Innovation Location 12:15 – 1:30pm Lunch Holmes Lounge 1:30 – 4:00pm MODERATORShanti Parikh, Arts & Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis RESEARCH PROJECT PRESENTATIONS (1:35 – 3:15) Say No to Stigma: Pilot testing the impact of visuals designed to reduce mental health stigma among primary school students in UgandaOzge Sensoy Behar, Penina Acayo Laker and Proscovia […]
Child Development Account Research and Policy: Planning, Implementation, and Impacts of a Large Social Experiment
October 3, 2023 8:15–9:30 PM (CT, GMT-5) Location: Virtual Registration free but required. Register The SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK) policy experiment is applied CDA research with important findings and policy influence. Speakers will share insights from SEED OK research design, implementation, and results; assess policy impacts in the United States and other countries; and conclude […]
Book Launch: Singapore Ageing-Issues and Challenges Ahead
Next Age Institute is proud to present the book launch event on April 11, 2023 and organize this partnership between National University of Singapore and Washington University. Guest of Honour: Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
Guy Genin delivers a keynote at IUPESM 2022 in Singapore
The IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2022 will be held from 12-17 June 2022 in Singapore. This is the first time the World Congress that is held in South East Asia. Guy Genin, Harold and Kathleen Faught Professor of Mechanical Engineering, at the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University is one of the keynote speakers.
The McDonnell Academy International Symposium Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Child Savings Programs in Israel and Uganda
Savings play a unique role in shaping the financial security of individuals and families in high- and low-income countries. Sufficient amount of savings can help families maintain adequate levels of consumption, provide a buffer against financial shocks, and enable long-term investments in higher education or homeownership. Ultimately, having enough economic resources can help advance intergenerational economic mobility.
Guy Genin delivers a keynote at ICBME 2019 at National University of Singapore
As one of the most recognized academic conferences in biomedical engineering, ICBME 2019 will bring together various educators, expert speakers, delegates and solution providers to share knowledge and encourage discussions on the latest developments including emerging challenges faced in the advancement of the Biomedical Engineering sector.
Michael Sherraden delivers Distinguished Speakers Series at Peking University
Peking University, Beijing, China
Conference on Social Work Education and Curriculum Development: International Experience and Local Practice
The development of China’s social work in the new era has higher expectations for social work education.
International Academic Salon on Financial Social Work
Keynote Speaker Panelists
International Conference Financial and Social Development
Nowadays, finance with social impact, financial inclusion, and social enterprises develop rapidly. In response to the Chinese national policy priority of precise poverty alleviation, the Institute of Social Development at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics will host its first ” An International Conference on Financial and Social Development ” on November 8-10, 2019 in […]
Public Lecture: Asset Building and Financial Capability for All
Featured Speaker: Dr. Michael Sherraden, George Warren Brown Distinguished University Professor, Co-Director, Next Age Institute, Washington University in St. Louis.
Webinar featuring Li Zou on Child Development Accounts for All
Chinese social media MonEval’s webinar features Li Zou, International Director of the Next Age Institute, on Child Development Accounts for All.
Conference on Innovation and Evaluation for Anti-Poverty Initiatives
This conference will exchange strategies for improving the newly enacted Child Development Accounts in Taiwan named Savings Accounts for the Education and Development of Children and Teenagers and will share the latest research on anti-poverty initiatives.
2019 Social Work Day on the Hill
The Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy (CRISP) will host the 5th Annual Social Work Day on the Hill on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 in conjunction with the Clark-Fox Policy Institute at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis, highlighting the work and accomplishments of the 12 Grand Challenge for Social Work networks.
International Conference on Child Development Accounts
November 6, 2018 • 8 AM – 5 PM Baku, Azerbaijan
Workshop on Social Innovation and Public Health at the 7th McDonnell Academy International Symposium
October 14, 2018 • 9 AM – 12 PM Tsinghua University, Beijing, China