Nancy Morrow-Howell is the Bettie Bofinger Brown Distinguished Professor of Social Policy and Director of the Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging at Washington University. Dr. Morrow-Howell is a national leader in gerontology, widely known for her work on productive and civic engagement of older adults. She is editor of the book Productive Aging, published by Johns Hopkins University Press. With support from Retirement Research, the Metlife Foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, and the National Institute on Aging, she explores strategies to maximize the engagement of older adults in productive roles.
Her research has contributed to understanding about programs, policies and institutional arrangements that maximize the productive engagement of older adults while promoting positive outcomes for the individuals themselves. Her research has documented outcomes for individual, families, and communities associated with expanding work, volunteering, civic service, and caregiving by older adults. Her work has received international attention as societies across the globe are responding to population aging.